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Various Austro-Hungarian (Skoda) Guns
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IJN Yamato Ten-Ichi-Go A new version of the Japanese Battleship Yamato is on display!Random Pages
- T34/85 TANK
- French Cruiser EMILE BERTIN as build 1933
- French Cruiser GUEYDON as build 1899
- French Battleship FRANCE as Build 1912
- French Aircraft Carrier DIXMUDE as Build 1940 (ex. HMS Biter (D97))
- Skoda 30.5 cm Mörser (Howitzer) M11
- French Cruisers Drawings/Plan Sets - 1884 - 1898 designs -
- French Cruiser INFERNET as build 1899
- French Cruiser FOCH as build 1929