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IJN Yamato Ten-Ichi-Go A new version of the Japanese Battleship Yamato is on display!Random Pages
- Maven Member
- French Battleship BRETAGNE as Build 1913
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- 21 cm Mörser (Howitzer) M 16 Skoda
- French Battleship COURBET as Build 1911
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- French Cruisers Drawings/Plan Sets - 1899 - 1914 designs -
Hello again Thomas.
I replied to the email you sent me from As I never heard from you, I will assume this reply never reached you. That is why I write in this form yet again.
This is what I wrote in the email on 15.March:
I am a Norwegian writer student, currently working on a movie script about the German heavy cruiser Blücher, that was sunk during the invasion of Oslo in april 1940. Blücher was somewhat identical to its sister, the “Prinz Eugen”.
I am writing this script in collaboration with the last remaining crew member, Alexander Dietzsch (92), who lives in Emden.
As of today, the project has not been funded in any way, and is driven exclusively by myself.
I came across your website and was really impressed with all your models, and of course, the Prinz Eugen one. My immediate thought is, that it would be so much easier for me to write my scenes if I had a detailed model of the ship to help the creative flow.
Your model would not be used for commercial purposes, only for my very private research and writing – and who knows, if the script gets its fundings one day, there might be a need for a 3D artist who knows these ships well.
I am eagerly looking forward to hearing from you.
Best, Petter Skafle Henriksen
Oslo, Norway
Hello Thomas,
really fantastic work, I’m deeply impressed. Which 3D software do you use? Or is this a confidential information?
Best regards, Ralf
LightWave 3D for most of the stuff!
Hello Thomas
I have been trying to contact you several times through email, but I get no reply. I am working on a Norwegian/German screenplay about the sistership of Prinz Eugen, the “Blücher” that was sunk during the attack on Norway on April 9th 1940.
I have been hoping to obtain a copy of your Prinz Eugen 3D model, to help the scriptwriting process. Can we come to some agreement?
Please contact me.
Perfekt, aber ich möchte Scharnhorst Schiff
I came across your site while researching the HMS Hood for a project I am doing in MAYA 2011. Really fantastic work! I haven’t used Lightwave in years but I am very impressed with the renders, and mostly your attention to details. I am building the Hood as she was built (or originally designed at least) but I am missing many references for details (main mast, Admiral’s bridge area, 5.5 and 4 in. guns, etc.). Just relying on fuzzy photos for their original configs. Do you have any suggestions?
Hello David,
I suggest 2 things.
1. Grab a copy of the book Anatomy of a ship – HMS Hood – by John Roberts.
2. Contact the HMS Hood Association at these people are really help full and they have provided me with tons of pictures and information’s. And they still do. The updated version my HMS Hood will be ready next week.
If this does not help you please come back!
wonderfull 3D works
very very good
very usefull to make a good model of Bismarck
regards from Brasil
The Best 3D Bismarck !
Danke !
Awesome stuff, Thomas !
You have my deepest respect.
Best wishes,
Scharnhorst comes very soon!
Nice website!
very good web but I would like to ship there and Sharnhorst