Titanic in Color

My interest about the Titanic began in my early childhood. I believe I build the first 3D model of Titanic at the age of 6 out of Lego bricks.  Ever since I was fascinated of the ship and her tragedy. Approaching the 100th commemoration of her sinking requests about color footage came in. Of course there was none! But thanks to the computer we could help out. Please scroll down to see examples of our work!

If you want to use the pictures shown here for your needs, that“s OK, but you must give credit to this site!

The idea is to show the Titanic in color, outside and inside. The colors are carefully chosen according the builders materials and paint instructions. This project is still – work in progress – !

Beside the colorization and some dust or scratch removal the original black & white photographs are left untouched. We have not added anything like clouds or other items to make the photo look more dramatic or spectacular.

We show each color photo side-by-side with the original black and white image. The pictures seen on this website are down scaled versions from up to 6000 pixels wide original scans.

The Titanic in Color Project is part of the Titanic 3D Open Source Project which will soon have his own website.

Click here to order prints  of these pictures from Artflakes:

29 Responses to Titanic in Color

  1. I think the Grand Staircase is amazing the warmth of the wood and the skylight (and even the floor) lend a sense of elegance and humanity to the picture Ive always had in my mind. Thank you!

  2. Pingback: Will James Cameron save the Titanic? Famous filmmaker is teaming up with oceanographer to preserve the wreck and its artifacts in wake of bankruptcy. – genuinebritishengineer

  3. Pingback: The Titanic in color: Incredible colorized images show the luxury and elegance aboard doomed linerĀ  | Breaking News Time | Live News | Current News | Fast News - US, UK & World

  4. Pingback: Colourised photographs present the posh aboard the Titanic | Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news

  5. Pingback: Colourised images show the luxury aboard the Titanic | Breaking News Wiki

  6. Pingback: Colourised images show the luxury aboard the Titanic | Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news

  7. Pingback: Colourised images show the luxury aboard the Titanic – News | The Latest News,Breaking News,News Day,USA News,Sport News

  8. Pingback: Des photos du Titanic en couleur -

  9. Pingback: Titanic in Color: Photos of One of the Largest Passenger Liners of Its Time Rendered in Full Color | ExposureGuide.com

  10. Pingback: Titanikas Spalvotai - slip.lt - slip.lt

  11. Madco says:

    I saw the titanic eixbhit when it was in Houston, TX. It was moving experience. I knew I would be touched by it but not as much as I was. You have done a lovely tribute layout to the great ship and those who died there. I may have to make a layout of my visit.

  12. Pingback: » Exercising on board the Titanic

  13. Darren Fa says:

    Absolutely brilliant work!

    • Milan says:

      These pictures are AMAZING and take my brateh away. Something about the Titanic really captures my heart. Even third class conditions were better then what most of those people were living in back home. Such a remarkable story and crazy how we are all still obsessed 100 years later!

  14. Dr. Ted Coleman says:

    I have always been fascinated by Titanic, and sincerely appreciate how these close-up glimpses make it seem even more real than ever before. Trying to imagine the sights and people that make up the whole story is definitely enhanced by the color. I think the Grand Staircase is amazing … the warmth of the wood and the skylight (and even the floor) lend a sense of elegance and humanity to the picture I’ve always had in my mind. Thank you!

    • Laura says:

      These pictures are AMAZING and take my breath away. Something about the Titanic really captures my heart. Even third class conditions were better then what most of those people were living in back home. Such a remarkable story and crazy how we are all still obsessed 100 years later!

  15. Pingback: Mega Post: Stuff You Probably Don’t Know About the RMS Titanic | The History Post

  16. I love the pictures! Great job. They make everything seem even more real than they did.

  17. For an exhibition about the Ryerson family, which opens at Hyde Hall on 13 May, I would like to obtain, for full credit, a high-res image of parlor suite B-57, which you show here. It was one of the four rooms the Ryersons occupied (their daughter, Titanic survivor Milly Ryerson, married Hyde Hall’s owner, George Hyde Clarke, in 1915). Would you please email me and let me know if this is possible? And have you colorized parlor suite B-59, which has the canopy bed and foliage-pattern walls? I do not have much of a budget for this exhibition but hope you might be able to help. Would be happy to direct visitors to this exhibition to your website.

  18. Congratulations on a marvelous project for the RMS Titanic in Color.
    My name is George Watters and I live in Canada in a town called Whitby which is located 30 minutes east of Toronto.
    We have the license to sell RMS Titanic memorabilia in Canada through a company
    in Carrickfergus Northern Ireland.
    I would love to use your Color photos in an upcoming 100th Anniversary Titanic Cruise in downtown Toronto Harbour on board the Captain Matthew Flinders with the Mariposa Cruise Lines. Please visit my website RMSTITANIC.CA to see all the details about this Commemorative Cruise.
    The Titanic cruise will be held on Sat. 14th April 2012 and we plan to make it a wonderful occasion and a fitting tribute to the people who lost their lives during the building and the sinking of the Ship of Dreams.
    At present we have numerous sponsors on board including Tourism Ireland and a Irish/Canadian band called the Irish Rovers. We will be selling the Irish Rovers new CD with a song written by George Millar called the Titanic.
    I would love you to give me approval to use your beautiful color photos of the Titanic in a tribute video that we are in the middle of producing for a video presentation on board the ship that evening.
    Please contact me in the near future to discuss this wonderful project that will certainly do justice to the work that you have produced to finish these photos.
    My phone number in Canada is 905-668-2135.
    I look forward t hear from you shortly if you can make this happen for me.
    George Watters

    • admin says:

      You can use the pictures from this website but you must give me full credit. I also need a copy of your video/product and the permission to show it online. If this is OK with you, go ahead!

  19. Vernon LeMoignan says:

    Is there a place where I can get high res versions of these images? Great work!

  20. Justin says:

    Fantastic work. What a wonderful project! I look forward to the next.

  21. Bastian says:

    Awesome.. Great work!!

    • Ira says:

      I have always been fsacinated by Titanic, and sincerely appreciate how these close-up glimpses make it seem even more real than ever before. Trying to imagine the sights and people that make up the whole story is definitely enhanced by the color. I think the Grand Staircase is amazing the warmth of the wood and the skylight (and even the floor) lend a sense of elegance and humanity to the picture I’ve always had in my mind. Thank you!

  22. Paul H says:

    hi, I’m just randomly came across this site and am very impressed to your project. Would be possible to get a high resolution picture as the titnaic left belfast? This is my favorite photo, and I would like it as a poster.


    • admin says:

      If updated the website and added a link where you can get high res prints.

      • Erik says:

        Now see, this is why I would never make a good photographer! I paborbly would never even think about taking a picture of this boat in its disrepair state. It looks to be a great boat though and I’m sure with a lot of tender loving care it can be made to look really great again. Sure would love to see it AFTER the repairs. After looking at it again though, I can see the actual interest that this photo generates. Hey, maybe if I see enough of your photos, I can really learn something. Thanks, Rune.

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