French Cruisers Drawings/Plan Sets – WWI and later designs –

Free original hires Warship Plan sets, Cruiser Drawings!

These original to scale drawings of French warships were released into the public domain by the French Ministère de la Défense in 2009!  Unfortunately the original source is not available anymore but we will try to republish them all! Every drawing was given a 21th century makeover to enhance the quality of the original 1 bit tiff scans! There are another 500 sets to go! Please check back soon!

Please be patient! Some sets are up to 90 sheets with a max. resolutions of 35.000 pix width and a data volume that can exceed 90 MB!

French Cruiser GEORGES LEYGUES as build 1936 – 67 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20GLEYGU1936C019

French Cruiser MARSEILLAISE as build 1935 – 28 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20MARSEIL1935C011

French Cruiser JEAN DE VIENNE as build 1935 – 24 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20JVIENN1935C012

French Cruiser GLOIRE as build 1935 – 18 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20GLOIRE1935PL003

French Cruiser LA GALISSONNIERE as build 1933 – 36 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20GLEYGU1936C019

French Cruiser EMILE BERTIN as build 1933 -39 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20E-BERTIN1933C007

French Cruiser JEANNE D ARC as build 1930 – 14 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20J.D27ARC1930C008

French Cruiser PLUTON as build 1929 – 22 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20PLUTON1929C005

French Cruiser FOCH as build 1929 – 27 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20FOCH1929C012

French Cruiser SUFFREN as build 1927 – 67 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20SUFFREN1927C017

French Cruiser TOURVILLE as build 1926 – 18 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20DUQUESN1925C011

French Cruiser DUQUESNE as build 1925 – 16 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20DUQUESN1925C011

French Cruiser PRIMAUGUET as build 1923 – 18 Sheets Scale 1/100, 1/50, 1/40 1/20D.TROUIN1923C006

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